Being mindful and fully aware while doing Yoga is very important to get the full benefit of all the poses. These poses are nothing but imitation of all the living and non living things. For example we have Marjarasana (tiger), Ustrasana (camel), Shalabhasana (locust), Utkatasana (chair), Halasana (plough) etc. So how many asanas (poses) are there? Can you guess? While doing these poses, let the awareness be on the part of the body being stretched, compressed, twisted. If there is any unnecessary tightness anywhere, let go of it. Then gently bring awareness to the breath. Initially breath might be fast and irregular. As more and more we become aware of our breath, consciously slow it down. Let the breathing be rhythmic. We will see ourselves totally relaxing in the final pose. Wow! imagine being relaxed in a pose where some part of the body is absolutely stretched or compressed. This is Yoga. Beautiful statement by the Yoga Guru Patanjali "Yogah chitta vritti nirodhah". Once...
"Saha Nau Bhunaktu" - A blog to Nourish