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Vision-part 2

Defective vision- Part 2

Having known the several factors causing defective vision, let us now deal with the methods in the natural treatment and prevention of these conditions.
As there are three main causes of defective vision, so there are three definite and distinct lines of approach for natural treatment. It is very difficult or impossible for us to know that the particular eye condition might be the result of only one cause. It is more likely that two or perhaps all three factors are involved and the most successful treatment will be that deals effectively with all the three factors.
For a normal vision, the eyes and the surrounding muscles and nerves must be completely relaxed. Strain keeps the eyes rigid and fixed and causes staring. The normal eye is always moving – it is never still. Continuous movement of the eye is absolutely essential for its healthy action. The most important relaxation techniques are Palming and swinging.
·      Palming:
It is essential to give a conscious relaxation to the eyes and their surrounding tissues very frequently through the day. We frequently close our eyes when we are tired. Palming is only an improvement on this natural and unconscious process.

Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and bring your awareness on the breathing. As you inhale deeply and exhale slowly, feel the body relaxing. Facial muscles are relaxed with a beautiful smile, Shoulders loose and feet firmly on the ground. Rub both the palms gently to generate heat between them and immediately cover the eyes, crossing them slightly so that the left palm is over the left eye and right palm over right eye and leaving sufficient space for the nose to be free. Do not press on the eyes, but only cup the eyes so that heat generated by rubbing just relaxes the muscles. You can now allow your elbows to drop on to your knees, keeping them fairly close together. This is a comfortable position. Keep the eyes closed and relaxed as possible and covered with the palms of the hands.
This should be repeated at least for five times thrice a day. People having severe eye problems should do this for twenty minutes each time thrice a day. This method of relaxation is one of the greatest assets to the natural treatment of defective vision.
·      Swinging
Palming directly relaxes and rests the eyes. Swinging causes relaxation to the eyes and the surrounding tissues by its soothing and relaxing effect on the nervous system. This technique relaxes both mind and body simultaneously.

Method: Stand upright with feet little apart with hands kept loosely on the sides. Sway the whole body from side to side like a pendulum of a clock very slowly. Raise each heel alternately from the ground, but not the rest of the foot. There should be no bending at the waist or hips. Swing for a minute with eyes open (with relaxed eyes) and then swing with eyes closed. Alternate this opening and closing of the eyes continuing the swinging action. Blink your eyes every now and then when the eyes are open.
This swinging action should be practiced two or three times a day for 5 to 10 minutes each time or whenever the eyes feel tired and aching.
If this is performed correctly, it gives a beneficial effect on the eyes and nervous system and relieves eyestrain.

Note: Glasses are not to be worn while doing palming or swinging.

·      Blinking
People with defective vision should cultivate the habit of blinking frequently and regularly to prevent eyestrain.
Keep the eyes closed and facial muscles relaxed. Relax the mind by bringing your awareness on the breathing. Blink your eyes 10 times and do palming. Repeat this 3 to 4 times every one-hour especially for those who view computers throughout the day.

·      Cold water wash
Immediately after brushing the teeth, cup your hands and fill the palms with water. Immerse your eyes in this hand cup and blink your eyes several times. Cold water flushes the eyes and cleanses them. Eyewash freshens and tones the eyes. You can do this with both eyes together or just concentrate on one eye then the other. Repeat this about 5 to 6 times. This should be repeated twice or thrice a day. It is essential that water should be cold, and not tepid.
Even washing the eyes with filtered Triphala water is very beneficial. Consult an Ayurvedic doctor for more details.

·      Eye muscle exercises
Eye exercises loosen up the strained and contracted muscles surrounding the eyes that are usually rigid and stiff for those with defective vision. By making them supple and pliable, the eye is allowed to move and accommodate more freely.
Learn all the eye exercises and kriyas(cleansing techniques ) for eyes from a qualified Yoga therapist for maximum benefit.

·      Neck exercises
Yoga has several breathing practices that loosen up the contracted neck muscles. Asanas and breathing practices for neck and back pain should be done every day for at least half an hour for the improvement in vision and betterment of health.
There are several asanas that increase the blood circulation to the facial area especially around the eyes such as shashankasana, padahastasana, paschimattanasana, sirsasana, etc. Learn them correctly from a yoga instructor, get to know the contraindications and benefits and keep practicing them every day.
Those intending to do these techniques should be prepared to make alterations in their daily routine. The first requisite is the faith in the efficacy of the treatment and the other requisites are patience, determination and discipline. With the aid of these helpers, there will be no obstacle in achieving the impossible.

Prabha Krishna,
Chief Yoga therapist, Diet consultant,
