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Embracing Mental Strength: Practitioners’ Perspectives

I asked a couple of yoga teachers for their insights on "mental strength" because we often hear people advising those going through difficult times to be strong. I wondered what it is that makes one mentally strong and what attitudes one can cultivate to train oneself. It is also important to consider how we connect with those facing life's storms, as our language, words can have a profound impact on someone who feels deeply troubled. Offering them our physical presence to lean on and words of encouragement can help them lift themselves out of their struggles. Courage and resilience come from within, which are divine qualities, and when these qualities reach out to others, they come as a shower of compassion. Let us take time to read each of the quotes by the yoga practitioners and see which ones resonate with us.

“For me, being mentally strong means staying positive, especially during difficult times such as health challenges or losing loved ones. Challenges keep coming, and it's natural to feel depressed sometimes. However, not getting absorbed in the situation and doing our best to maintain a fighting spirit is crucial. Keeping myself calm and helping others who are going through a difficult phase in their lives can be quite healing for oneself too.”

“A person who is mentally strong might initially get shaken by a situation but will gradually start making better choices to deal with it. I believe that dealing with a situation and coming out of it without causing too much damage to yourself is the mark of a mentally strong person.”

“The mind has many facets: thinking, rationalizing, memory, and emotions. Emotions are a grossly neglected subject as we grow up. We are not taught how to manage our emotions; instead, we learn by observing our parents and elders react or respond to situations, assuming that is how we should react. Yoga has been a journey that helped me recognize my emotions, be sensitive, and accept myself for who I am. I realized for the first time that being sensitive is not wrong, but not allowing another person to take advantage of our sensitivity is crucial. Yoga has helped me maintain this balance. Life's ups and downs are inevitable, but I can take care of what is within my control and learn to let go of what is not. Ishwarapranidhana has made me mentally strong.”

“It is about being brave and facing the situation. Of course, no one wants to be in a difficult situation. When you are in a tough spot, it's natural to look at others who seem to be enjoying life and wish you could swap places and run away from your problems. However, true mental strength comes from accepting the situation, facing it one day and one challenge at a time, and just moving forward. This is what mental strength means to me.”

“Not giving too much thought in analysing the difficult situation and surrendering yourself to the higher power is mental strength. It also means for me to accept myself and the situation and keep taking baby steps towards the goal even in the difficult times.If possible try to even look at the brighter side of that challenging situation.”

“Being mentally strong means not being disturbed by anything that happens to you or your surroundings. It is understanding that everything is part of life and there is no such thing as a negative situation in the world. If you do not perceive anything as negative, then nothing will seem negative. Accepting reality and moving forward in life without being disturbed means you are mentally strong, as there are no emotions attached.”

“A weak-minded person is disturbed, depressed, and anxious in many situations, unable to accept things as they come. A rigid mindset, where "things should happen my way," also signifies a weak mind. In contrast, a strong mind is flexible and full of acceptance. Nothing can disturb this beautiful state of mind because there is no resistance or expectation. Like a river finding its way amidst crevasses without getting stuck, this beautiful state of mind finds solutions for every problematic situation, living a calm and contented life, achieving all that the soul is meant to—much faster than a weak mind, which takes many long halts.”

“I have realized that mental strength has to be cultivated consistently over time. In any difficult situation, finding a positive outcome and expressing gratitude to Ishwara for saving us from the worst gives me the mental strength to move forward with optimism and hope. This way, I can be a source of strength to others as well.”

“We learn from our experiences to weather the storm, to become what we are today - strong mentally and emotionally. I think being courageous makes one mentally strong. Especially when we accept things/ people/ situations as well as live and behave right, we become mentally strong.Having said that, ups and downs does shake us, depress us - but a moment of surrender gives us a lot of solace and mental strength. We strengthen our body by working certain group of muscles with repetitions, similarly different kind of situations makes us mentally strong as we learn to sail through them.For me being mentally strong is by doing my best and leaving the rest by surrendering to the Lord Almighty.This path of yoga has helped me in the act of surrendering.”

“My understanding of mental health involves balancing thought processes, emotions, resilience, and patience. In my view, the ability to switch thought processes is crucial, as getting overly carried away by thoughts can be emotionally unhealthy. Good mental health depends on the brain's functionality, which is influenced by various hormones. The fuel for mental health includes food, the environment we are in, and the culture of the people around us. Gut health and how our senses respond are primarily influenced by our mindset. Ultimately, every human mindset is mainly controlled by Prana Shakti.”

“As students of yoga, we know that the mind is subtler and stronger than the body. We can make our bodies strong through asana, pranayama, and other annamaya kosha practices, but the body remains delicate and vulnerable. When we reflect on our difficult times, we can see that it is the mind that has helped us overcome those situations by reinforcing our values and helping us rise above challenges.For example, during the recent inter-school yoga competition, Raghuramji attended as the chief guest despite not being well. He was barely able to walk steadily and had a slight fever, but he had made up his mind to attend. He delivered a wonderful talk and message to the students, teachers, and the large gathering. This demonstrates the mind being stronger than the body.We need to remind ourselves to give self-suggestions so that the mind plays a greater role over the body. This is what we can call becoming mentally strong.”

“A strong mind with the right knowledge is in a sthithapragna state. A strong mind with wrong knowledge can lead to a Duryodhana-like mindset, which is hard to unlearn. A strong mind that is self-centered reflects the Devil or ego playing out. A strong mind that is selfless embodies the Paramatma tattva.”

By, Prabha Krishna 

Quotes by the teachers of Yogabharati