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Showing posts from February, 2024

Soham Dhyana from Hamsa Upanishad

Introduction The Haṃsa Upanishad classified in Shukla yajurveda is a dialogue between Sage Gautama and Sanatkumara. The Sage asks Sanatkumara to guide him and give him the knowledge by which he can obtain knowledge of Brahmavidyā. Sanatkumāra replied that he will share  the knowledge which was told to Parvati by Lord Shiva. He goes on to  explain the true nature of Haṃsa and Paramahaṃsa for the benefit of a brahmacārin (a seeker of  Brahman), who has his desires under control, is devoted to his guru and always contemplates on  Haṃsa(self), and realizes the paramahamsa. It (Haṃsa) is permeating all bodies like fire (or heat) in all kinds of wood or oil in all kinds of gingelly seeds.   Method The rishis who investigated the breath thoroughly found that human beings normally breathe about 21,600 times each twenty-four hours. During their meditation, they found the breath constantly repeating the mantra: So on the inhalation and Ham on the exhalation. Along wi...

Jivātmaśakti realising the Devātmaśakti - from Shvetashvatara Upaniṣad

Introduction Śvetāśvataropaniṣad, part of the Krishna Yajur Veda gives a clear understanding about Jiva and the beautiful connection with the Universal Soul. Śvetaśva ( white horse) means the one endowed with pure senses . According to the Upanishad, there is an ultimate reality called Brahman, which is the source and essence of all existence. The key to spiritual liberation is understanding the essence of Brahman.The objective of this study is to know more about this Jiva, the Individual being and the interconnectedness with God.The paper gives a clear understanding about the Jiva‘s ignorance and misconceptions and the journey of transformation where by the grace , the individual  realises the creative power behind all the creation (Devātmaśakti) and the knowledge of the infinite Truth. श‍ृण्वन्तु विश्वे अमृतस्य पुत्रा - śṛṇvantu viśve amṛtasya putrā -‘Listen, O Children of Immortality’,  I am not born of sin but indeed from the Immortal Truth, so I am addressed as amṛtasya p...