Abhyasa and Vairagya - two wheels in the bicycle of Yoga During my Yoga teacher training in Yoga Bharathi, Bangalore, I heard for the first time that “Abhyasa and Vairagya always go together”. In Bhagavat Gita chapter 6, when the troubled warrior prince Arjuna tells Sri Krishna that the unsteady and restless mind cannot be controlled, Bhagvan Krishna responds that the mind can be brought under our control through repeated Practice(Abyasa) and Detachment (Vairagya). Abhyasa is something that we hear all the time. Practice - till you are perfect. Be it sports or a skill or a talent. Be it Math or science, we are always told from a very young age to practice and practice hard. And as a concept, it is pretty clear that we improve in anything that we do repeatedly over a period of time. Yet Vairagya or detachment, dispassion has been the main teaching of religions, philosophers and Yogis. Simply put it can be related as letting go. In a deeper sense, my teachers mention, Vai...
"Saha Nau Bhunaktu" - A blog to Nourish