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Showing posts from July, 2019

Yoga - An integral part of life

Yoga - An Integral part of life Can Yoga be practiced by all? Can Yoga become a way of life? What do we mean by Holistic approach to Yoga Practice? These are some of the questions which came to my mind as I was talking to a group of senior citizens . They told me that they had practiced Yoga but now due to age or health issue  they were not able to practice . In fact some of the younger adults with health issues were asking me if they can practice yoga in spite of their health issues. T his made me think. Is Yoga defined by age? Can everyone practice Yoga, irrespective of age, health condition etc.  Let us look at the definitions of yoga Yoga is about calming down the mind, reduce the modifications in the mind, bring about Balance. ‘ Yogah Chitta Vritti Nirodaha”......Yoga is to gain Mastery over the mInd by reducing the modifications in the mind.  “ Mana prashamana Yoga ityadibhiyate” ...Yoga is about slowing down the mind. Why d...