On the mat - Where Theory meets practice Yoga has gained popularity in the last few decades, though the depths of it are still uncovered. At the surface level, Yoga has earned a ground in therapy where modern and other medicine sciences are found to be less effective . A very common misconception about Yoga is that, it is treated as an alternative to other exercise regimens such as gymming,jogging or swimming. This also makes Yoga popular. Here Yoga ends just at the physical dimension. The deeper mental, intellectual and spiritual dimensions are yet to be explored.The mental and spiritual dimensions of Yoga offer a fine tool for personality development. Yoga at the mind level, has helped me to look at myself objectively , discover and accept my weakness and strengths and find ways to work on them to progress further. Whilst I practised yoga at home, my thoughts were often similar to what most people seek out of yoga practise - Lose weight, reduc...
"Saha Nau Bhunaktu" - A blog to Nourish