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Blossoming of a seed- Break the myths in menstruation

Let us try to understand the common phenomenon of ‘Menstruation’ or ‘monthly period’ of ladies. It is a subject of controversy as we are aware where women are isolated in those “three”days. As is usual with all our traditions which are criticized without trying to fathom out the reasons, this tradition also came under severe attack and has vanished from our life except in villages and rural areas.
Could there be any scientific reason for such behavior on the part of our ancestors, especially now, when the statements of Vedas, Upanishads etc. are accepted and lauded by researchers?
One who is the personification of rajas- is the word used by our sastras to indicate the woman who is having the monthly period.
What is this Rajas? Why is the special mention?
All of us  possess the three attributes – Satva, Rajas and Tamas from the time of creation. Among these, the quality called ‘Rajas’ is the force that ensures the continuity of creation.  
For reasons unknown, girls are endowed with a kind of special energy which is also a concentrated form of Rajas. Only the girl child on the onset of puberty- proper manifestation of Rajas - becomes qualified to carry a child. In earlier days the first advent of mensturation used to be celebrated as an important function with invitation to all relatives.  The girl used to be treated as “Goddess” and offered new clothes, jewellery etc.
At this critical point, our ancestors took great care to ensure the health,intelligence and other aspects of the future generation by protecting the girl from adverse circumstances.  
It is similar to the care we take before planting a seed in our garden. We plough the ground, apply proper manure and water, put a fence around preparing the ground to receive the seed.  When such care is taken,the result is assured by way of juicy fruits,high immunity to pests.
Exactly the same type of care was taken to prepare the girl for carrying a healthy child. As is always the case with our ancestors, lot of importance was given to the chanting of mantras by the girl herself contrary to the belief that the girl should not even think of God for the three days.
‘THISRO RATRAU VRATAM CHARET is the sentence found in our vedas.Austerities should be observed for three nights is the advice given.  
What did they mean by ‘austerities?
  1. to be in seclusion
  2. avoiding close contact and unnecessary conversation with outsiders
  3. taking limited quantity of food/saatvik food – not complete fasting or indulging in  excess intake
  4. sleeping not in extra comfort like a/c. etc.
For that matter, any vratam prescribed by our vedas have only the above four restrictions.
The most important thing to be followed is to remain in a meditative mood and focusing the attention on the Divinity for whom the vratam is observed.
With this background, let us examine how these conditions apply to the case in discussion.
By suggesting ‘seclusion’ an opportunity is given to the girl  who is taught the special significance of the auspicious energy that has manifested in her, to become aware of the energy  and to meditate on that energy. By avoiding unnecessary contacts and conversation, the same purpose is achieved, As the girl is also physically vulnerable, like putting a fence she is protected like a treasure in those days.
By total fast, the thought would be centered on the food and not on Divinity.  By over eating, only sleep would follow and not  meditation. The third and fourth conditions are meant to avoid these pitfalls.
Let us understand completely this lofty thoughtand not accept or ridicule it saying ‘suppression of women’s rights’.  
If we take proper notice of the menstrual cycle we would know  that it follows a pattern of occurring near to the birth star or around 15 days thereafter.  That is the time when the individual is the nearest to the Creative Energy. ( Visualize the elliptical path of the earth around the sun.  There are two points closest to the sun.]
It is a fact that the current day women are placed in different circumstances.They do not possess the required depth of knowledge to understand the mighty thoughts underlying the restrictions.They need to understand their inherent power which are unique and bestowedto them.
Bodily discomfort, compulsions for going for employment, erosion of joint family system in which relief was available from work etc. are some of the impediments in following the path. It is also not practical to take three days leave each month during the monthly periods.  It should also be accepted that our elders told us to follow certain restrictions and practices without explaining the reasons therefor.  Therefore everything became a ritual without meaning.  
Now that the purpose of the restrictions are known, can women spare half an hour a day for three days for meditation and spend the day as much as possible in Divine, good thoughts.It would indeed enrich their life and recharge that power within them.
Deep introspection would reveal that the practice was meant for good progenies.Current day children by nature possess lot of negative thoughts and are mostly confused and lack the will power.  Internet, T.V. etc. might have added to the problem. It appears that we have failed in preparing the ground properly. If the land is not fertile, would the plant survive, even if it survives, would it be a healthy plant?Let us undertand this beautiful science and start implementing this Now.
Before concluding, I would like to say something.Our younger generation is very intelligent and forthright in their thinking.  If they understand the significance of our rituals, functions etc. they would definitely follow them and we need not worry about our great culture anymore.
Padma Raghavan
Padma Raghavan is a Devi Upaasaka for over 40 years and has a deep undertanding of the Vedas,Upanishads and mantras.She is passionate in imparting this rich knowledge to all and conducts talks,lectures to interested people in the community.She has even published several articles on similar topics in popular Tamil magazines in Chennai .She was involved with the institute ”Sakshi” and translated some sections in the Rig vedas. She is the Co-founder of SriGayatri trust which the objective of perserving the Bharateeya culture, philosophy that brought upon the start of the Veda Paatashaala,elders home,temples in the premises,organic farming and Goshaala.