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Heal your mind with affirmations

Within each of us is the capability to connect with our source and there lies the peace we are all seeking- the inner knowledge that gives us strength in the so called dark times- Louise L.Hay

This quote resonates with me . I have experienced that when I am able to indeed make conscious connections with my thought process, feelings, deeply engraved emotions,I could find so many answers to my present state of mind.There is a tremendous release of the bottled up emotions which was buried deeply or pushed aside.I observed that  when painful/unpleasant feelings/experiences are not addressed by us consciously,it gives rise to some form of negativity which plays a role in our experiences that will follow in the future. It also affects our relationships with our loved ones as we might be still caught up in the past and not knowing to live in the present. The experiences could be a trauma in childhood or teenage hood, suppression of feelings, disharmony in family,hurtful dialogues from parents/siblings, disturbed relationships, accidents,etc which has happened in the past but it is still deep in our minds affecting us in different ways. These bottled up emotions over some time shows in our actions, perceptions, connections,attitude and can be attributed to our behaviour which can be  in the form of anger, fear, guilt,cynical, reserved, revengeful,depressed.It can manifest in anyway and it is indeed surprising that when we look at this behaviour and go backwards of why we feel that-----we find answers. When we are open to connect within us, trying to find out the deeper thoughts behind this present behaviour, we understand deeply what is affecting us.Let us explore our emotions and find inner peace rather than allowing these emotions to control our lives.

Let us Look in our heart...connect with it,and we shall find answers.
How do we know what is troubling us. Some thoughts might be so subtle  or deeply engraved that we do not know to explore those thoughts.Once you explore and  find the root cause,then what is the next step? Can we heal these thoughts and move ahead in life.

Here "Affirmations" play a big role.Louise Hay mentions"Affirmations opens a door.When we talk about doing affirmations, it means consciously choosing words that will either help eliminate something from your life or help create something new in your life."

Affirmations can be anything which is positive and which we truly believe in. These positive statements need to relate to the emotions you are going through.If in the past if there is a guilt feeling, then to help you release from this negative emotion, a positive statement like "I release all feelings of guilt" would be very useful and fruitful. Such is the strength of this affirmations that it actually creates a new life experience for you and you start believing in this newly found positive statement.The mind starts healing and gives rise to series of positive reactions in the body and mind level.
At first it might sound mechanical when this is repeated by us, but gradually we would actually start feeling the energy while saying these affirmative words. Repeating to about 9 times these statements in a deep state of relaxation helps in healing.
Understand a simple technique to do this deep state of relaxation by yourself:
Lie down and do about 20  rounds of abdominal breathing- inhaling abdomen bulging up and exhaling abdomen sinking. Observe the movements for some time and slowly start shifting to chest breathing- do about 20 rounds of conscious chest breathing- inhaling chest expanding and exhaling chest relaxes. We can chant some rounds of OM too . Be aware of the thoughts(Not action items) coming by. Consciously go deeper into those moments . Let there be a flow and do not stop anything. Sometimes by allowing the body and mind to go through the event itself releases all the burden we have hidden. In a deep state of relaxation we would indeed find the inner truth as to what we are holding on to, any kind of fear, anger, guilt cropping up, any past event/events which is still not allowing us to live in the present. Just observe the thoughts running by and if any images are coming by making us feel highly emotional just observe them and  watch the image or the actual event as a spectator.Now is the time to repeat on affirmation
Choose one which resonates with you :
  • I accept myself and others
  • All of my changes are easy to make
  • I love myself totally in the now
  • I am safe and secure in my world
  • I open new doors to life
  • I am willing to change and grow
  • I am healthy and filled with energy
  • I release all feelings of guilt
  • I am connected to all in life this consciously do some more rounds of deep breathing and repeat the affirmation.

Choose any one which reaches your heart and connects to your present thought process and repeat. Do not take all these affirmations and experiment:)
When we practice this technique for the first time,let us not expect immediate results. We might be holding onto so much that our mind might not be willing to release.Sometimes mind might want to shut down and we might go in a deep state of sleep. It is completely fine but relentlessely practice this everyday.
We do not need an expert but need to be OPEN  to connect with ourself and that itself is the first step for healing.When we are willing to open our consciousness then our lives change positively.

"We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves” – Dalai Lama
written by
Prabha Krishna