Suryanamaskar Suryanamaskar is “a Salutation to the Sun“ which is made of twelve steps where the whole muscular structure of the body is used. It is a complete exercise, where the muscles are toned; respiration and cardiac rhythm is quickened and intensified without inducing breathlessness and fatigue. Actually, it is just made up of only six movements (asanas), which is repeated in reverse order in the next six counts. Doesn’t it seem to look easy now? Learn all the asanas individually and just place them in the sequence, and your salutation is complete. Let us learn and appreciate the importance of Suryanamaskar and its bountiful effects: SN is not limited in its action to any part of the body; it acts on the whole body SN tones the digestive system by the alternate compression and stretching of the abdominal region. It massages all the inner organs of the abdomen, activates digestion, and relieves constipation and dyspepsia. SN is performed with synchronization of breathing ...
"Saha Nau Bhunaktu" - A blog to Nourish